Monday, August 25, 2014

Author Spotlight + GIVEAWAY: Denise Hunter

I am thrilled and honored to welcome Denise Hunter to The Power of Words this week! When I was given the opportunity to review Dancing with Fireflies, I jumped at the chance because I've wanted to try Denise's books for a good while. Let me just say that she knows how to entertain and inspire readers with her "swoon-worthy" heroes! Click on the book title to see my review of Dancing with Fireflies.

Denise is graciously giving one of our readers a copy of Dancing with Fireflies (entry details at the end of this post). Now lets enjoy Denise . . .

Q:  Tell us a little about the real Denise Hunter behind the books. Married? Write full time or part time? Introvert or extrovert?

I’ve been happily married for 25 years, and we have 3 boys—2 in college, one in high school. I’m definitely introverted. I’ve been writing for 18 years, and my 25th book releases this December.

Q:  What are three unique or fun things about you?

I play the drums, I love to travel the world, and I eat my cereal dry. How’s that for random?

Q:  When you read for relaxation, what genre, books or authors do you turn to?

I’m a romance reader all the way! I also read women’s fiction, but it has to have a romantic thread. Some of my favorite authors are Francine Rivers, Diane Chamberlain, and Kristin Hannah.

Q:  Tell us about the Chapel Springs series, the setting, and how the book we're featuring today, Dancing with Fireflies, fits in.

Dancing with Fireflies is the 2nd book in the Chapel Springs series, though each of the books can stand on their own. The series is set in the fictional river town of Chapel Springs, Indiana (my home state) and features the McKinley family. Each book tells the love story of one of the four grown McKinley children. Readers can expect family drama, romance, tears and laughter, and always, the happily ever after sigh.

Q:  What is something about the lead characters, Daniel and Jade, that will draw readers to them?

Jade is a strong young woman with hidden frailties—like so many of us. She needs her family—and of course, Daniel, to encourage and support her. Daniel . . . sigh! He’s a swoon-worthy mayor-hero with his heart set on Jade—and too afraid of losing her to let her know how he feels. Fireworks were made for these two lovebirds.

Q:  The title, Dancing with Fireflies, certainly creates a beautiful visual image. What is the significance of this title?

The title stems from a memory Daniel has of Jade the first time he met her. When we meet Jade in the current day, she’s lost that spark, and Daniel is determined to help her find it again.

Q:  What is one message that you hope readers will take away from this story?

Risking your heart is difficult after a loss, but don’t be afraid to love fully and deeply. God will carry you through.

Q:  When it comes to contemporary romance, you really shine, Denise. Why write for the Christian market?

Aw, thank you. I’m really blessed to be doing what I love.  Since faith is integral to my life, I can’t imagine writing anything else. It’s a challenge to show faith in an authentic way in a novel, but doing so gives the reader a chance to walk in a character’s shoes, to feel her feelings and think her thoughts. Showing a faith journey in novel form can help readers see things in a new way or cause them to ponder their own circumstances in light of what they’ve learned. What a joy to go on that journey with readers!

Q:  As the writer of over 20 books, have there been changes in the publishing industry that you've had to adapt to?

The publishing world is changing, and rapidly. I feel blessed to have contracts, a wonderful publisher, and loyal readers (whom I dearly love!) in this evolving industry. So much of it is out of my hands, but that’s true of life in general, and all we can do is trust God, day by day, and be thankful for the blessings we already have.

Q:  What’s on the book horizon for you, Denise?

Book 3 in the Chapel Springs series releases December 9th. I’m so excited about PJ’s story, where a veritable mansion is up for grabs between PJ and a very hunky out-of-towner with a big heart. I love it when the sparks fly!

Q:  What are some ways we can support and encourage you, both personally and as an author, Denise?

I covet your prayers. It’s my heart’s desire to the write the stories he lays on my heart. I also love to hear from my readers! You can find me on Facebook or drop me an email at



To enter the drawing for Dancing with Fireflies, simply answer the following question about Denise's writing and leave your e-mail in a safe format - [at] and [dot]. If you're willing, it's also helpful to share about this giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter.

Do you have a favorite book or character among the 25 stories Denise has written? If you are new to her books, what genre do you enjoy reading?

Please "like" my Facebook page, ThePowerofWordsBookReviews, if you haven't already. And new followers of this blog are always welcome!

  • E-mail required, one entry per person. Odds of winning are based on number of entries.
  • Contest open to U.S. residents 18 and older, and ends at midnight PST on Monday, September 1. No purchase necessary.
  • Winner will be chosen by and contacted by e-mail on Wednesday, September 3. Respond within 48 hours of notification or another winner will be chosen.


  1. It is amazing to me that I haven't read any of Denise's books, though I do have two in my TBR pile. My genre of choice is romantic suspense, but I am very fond of series that are about families. I have always enjoyed family sagas. I like the way this series is set up with each book about a different family member. Thank you for offering a copy of Dancing with Fireflies.

    1. Kay, you've got the best profile picture! Don't ever change it.

      I'm with you on series about families. I love it when a different character is featured in each book, but we get to see beloved characters from earlier books. Denise is very good about that, as well as the romantic element.

    2. I love reading Christian fiction books and my favorite christian fiction author is Mary Lu Tyndall
      And the book is Elusive Hope.

    3. I enjoy Mary Lu's books also, Danie. Her Escape to Paradise series is my favorite so far.

  2. Hi Carole, thanks for introducing Denise Hunter! I really enjoyed the interview. As always, you did a fantastic job. DRY cereal ! we have that in common as that is the only way to eat cereal! lol.... I don't think I have ever read any thing by Denise Hunter, however I had already liked her on FB and Twitter. Dancing with Fireflies sounds wonderful and I love the fact of the series based on the family. These are the kind of series I really like. It is hard for me to decide whether my favorite genre is romance, suspense or romantic suspense! Love them all and have about as many of one as the other! Just as long as they are of the inspirational theme, no off-color stuff for me!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway! Blessings to you and Denise!'

    1. Rats, I always love your comments! Wish we lived close together - but then if we did, I doubt we'd ever get anything done. Blessings to you, Rats!

    2. Hey Carole, theres plenty of room here on the can always move!!! we have a nice big barn light and blessings to you my dear friend!!

  3. I have not read anything by Denise yet. But I have been wanting to read this one. My favorite genre is historical fiction but I will read many other genres
    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

    1. Amy, I'm about half contemporary, half historical - they just have to be character driven, and that describes Denise's writing. Thanks for dropping by!

  4. I have not read anything by Denise either but I plan to remedy that. This is a wonderful review and I would love to win a copy of the book. I really enjoy several Christian genres - Romace, history and suspense.

    Ann Ellison

    1. Ann, I've been wanting to read Denise's books for a good while and am so glad I was able to review Dancing with Fireflies. Since you enjoy romance, you should like her writing. It's good to see you here!

  5. I have never read any of Denise's books but would love to start with this one!

    1. Dancing with Fireflies is a great place to start!

  6. I am new to Denise's books.
    I read a lot of Amish/Mennonite,
    Christian fiction, historical fiction
    and suspense.
    CherylB1987 AT Hotmail DOT com

    1. I enjoy all those types also, Cheryl, although I don't read a lot of suspense. Thanks for dropping by; I'll see you on Facebook!

  7. I am new to Denise's books, too. I like Christian and historical fiction, Amish/Mennonite fiction, and mysteries.

    1. Sounds like we enjoy the same type of books, Deb. Thanks for visiting, and be sure to leave your e-mail address.

  8. Thank you for introducing me to a new author! I haven't read any of Denise's works before, but I am very attracted to clean romance. I crave character-driven novels that deal with processing emotions, big life events, etc. So it makes sense why I'm drawn to the young adult and new adult genre! I also like Christian fiction that is "real" instead of forced -- I don't want to be preached at. I'm already a follower lol. I just like making new friends with the characters I read, flaws and all.

    1. Same with me, Kalona . . . it's got to be clean, but character-driven stories are what I look for. This is the second book in a series, but I haven't yet read the first one and picked up on everything just fine. I believe you will enjoy Denise's writing.

      Be sure to leave your e-mail address, Kalona!

  9. I have never read any of Denise Hunter's books as of yet, but this book review sounds very inviting and exciting.I am definitely putting "Dancing with Fireflies" on my list to read.I really enjoy all of your reviews and your blog site!


    1. So glad to see you here, Paula, and I'm glad you enjoy this blog. Dancing with Fireflies is a good character-driven romance, so you should enjoy it if you like romance.

  10. I've read many of Denise's novels...and have enjoyed them all. Thanks for the opportunity to read her latest one,

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  11. I think "A Cowboy's Touch' is the only book I have read by Denise. Until recently I read mostly historical fiction, but have been reading a lot more contemporary stuff recently. So I think I would enjoy this book.


    1. That's another of Denise's books I hope to read soon, Patty. I'm a historical fan also, but read a good bit of contemporary.

  12. I have not read any of Denise's books. She is a new author to me.
    My favorite genres to read are Christian fiction, Amish and christian historicals.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
    Merry S.

    1. We certainly have similar tastes in reading, Merry!

  13. I have read a few of DEnise's books and enjoyed them. The Convenient Groom was my favorite.

    dianemestrella at gmail dot com

  14. I have not read any of Denise's books. However I do have a couple of hers on my TBR pile that I am looking forward to. :) I love to read just about any genre but my favorite is probably historical romances and suspense romances. Thanks for the giveaway!
    smileytwin10 {at} gmail {dot} com

    1. Rachel, I read a LOT of historicals! Not a lot of suspense because I don't enjoy being scared, but I do love a good murder mystery.

  15. I'm sorry to say that I have yet to read any books by Denise Hunter.
    I enjoy contemporary, historical, and even some Western themed stories.
    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Dancing With Fireflies.


    1. Dancing with Fireflies was my first book of Denise's, Cindi, and now I'm eager to read more. If you enjoy romance, this is a winner.

  16. I have read many of Denise Hunters books such as the Nantucket and New Heights series. I also have many more on my TBR list on Goodreads, including Dancing With Fireflies. I really enjoy Christian Fiction of all kinds. Love story, suspense, a combo of the two, stories that involve spiritual growth or unconditional love. Thanks for entering me into your giveaway!:-)

    1. Bonnie, it was the Nantucket series that first drew me to Denise's writing because I love Nantucket and have been blessed to visit there with my daughter.

  17. I've seen this book around and have been wanting to read it. I have only read Denise Hunter's A December Bride novella, and I quite enjoyed it. I love historical fiction and romance and have been recently enjoying more contemporary romances.

  18. I absolutely love the random facts! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! Hope you have a great week!

    1. I think random facts are so much fun, Tina. Thank you for visiting here. I recently discovered Booknificent Thursday and love it.

  19. I love all of Denise's books. "The Convenient Groom" got me started, but "The Trouble with Cowboys" was the most memorable - but again, I love them ALL!


  20. I'm new to Denise's books, but I've heard wonderful things about them. :) My favorite genre is romantic comedy, both historical and contemporary. Thanks for the giveaway! writer_weaverATyahooDOTcom

  21. I haven't read any of Denise's books..but am always open to try new authors....I love to read inspirational and contemporary romance, amish and some mysteries.

  22. I am new to her books!! I like romance fictions

    1. Kathryn, if you like romantic fiction, you should really enjoy Denise's books. Be sure to leave your e-mail address for the drawing. Thanks for visiting today!

  23. This would be the first book of her's for me to read!
    -Samantha T

  24. I love Sweetwater Gap, although I've read almost all of her books and loved them!

    1. Alisa, Sweetwater Gap is on my book shelf and I hope to read it soon. Be sure to leave your e-mail address for the drawing. Thanks for visiting!


  25. Oh, how can I choose...I just can't! But would love a chance to win.

    1. And you've got a chance to win - but please leave your e-mail address!

  26. I enjoy romance with a mystery and/or twist if helpful community and friendships. Ronnalord(at)msn(dot)com

  27. I've never read any of her books but I love to read historical fiction! You can contact me through my blog by clicking on my name. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!

  28. I usually read historical but throw some contemporary and suspense in there occasionally. I have several of Denise's books in my TBR pile. This one sounds like a great one to add a well! Nancycooks4u(at)gmail (dot)com

  29. I have not read any books by Denise Hunter. I love to read historical fiction and amish
    Thank You

  30. I haven't read any of her books, but probably my favorite genre is historical fiction (Christian), but I love stories that weave family lives so I'm sure I would love this series! Thanks for the fun giveaway! :) leafynotbeefy(at)hotmail(dot)com

  31. Sharon Richmond BryantAugust 31, 2014 at 5:04 PM

    Enter me for this great book!! I read A Cowboy's Touch by Denise, And it was very good and hard to put down!!
    Sharon Richmond Bryant
    Conway, SC.

  32. My favorite character was Daniel, from this very tale. So many moments to make you admire him... she really brought his character to life as a man of, well, character!
    Faith at

  33. I have not yet read any of her books. My favorite genre to read is mystery.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  34. i have not read her books yet surprisingly! but my favorite genre is contemporary romance.


  35. Somehow, I have managed to not read any of Denise's books yet. I have read great things about her from many different people. Your interview inspires me to read some of her books and the I love the title, and its significance, of this one. Thanks ladies. :)

  36. Oops, hoping you need this to let me know I won. ibakecakes4you(at)AOL(dot)com

  37. Ok...I have read almost all of Denise's books. My favorites are tied between Dancing with Fireflies (I have read it and loved it, but would love to win a copy) and The Accidental Bride!
    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Dancing with Fireflies.
    Brittany McEuen
    kbmceuen at yahoo dot com

  38. I've never read any of Denise's, but I would love to get started! My favorite genre is suspense!

  39. My first Denise Hunter book is also my favorite DH book, The Convenient Groom. This one went straight to my keeper shelf and introduced me to a wonderful author. rdewey17 (at)yahoo(dot)com

  40. So glad to announce that SongbirdPaula is the winner of Dancing with Fireflies!

    I appreciate everyone who has visited, shared, and left a comment. But most of all, my thanks goes to Denise for using her God-given ability to write books that entertain and inspire - and for her willingness to share with all of us here. Denise, I certainly hope you will come back soon!
