Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Favorite Historical Settings

Thank you to the folks at The Broke and the Bookish for hosting this fun Top Ten Tuesday meme each week! Many other bloggers’ picks on today’s theme can be seen here.

This topic has been fun to think about because I read so much historical fiction. There are a few eras that I’ve always enjoyed, such as Regency and the American Revolution - but in some cases, maybe it’s the fiction that has drawn me to that particular era. Each of these books is a favorite. So here’s my . . .

Favorite Historical Settings

Old Testament

New Testament times

Medieval England

Regency England

American Revolution

1800’s Appalachia

Civil War

World War II

Although this has a contemporary setting, a Vietnam veteran suffering from what we now know as PTSD plays a major part.


  1. We share a lot of the same books. I loved The Robe! I have A Stillness of Chimes in the TBR pile. Have you read Yesterday's Tomorrow. It is an excellent book set in the Vietnam era.

    1. This was so much fun, Beckie! I would love to make time to read The Robe again. Life-changing book! I'd love to know your thoughts on A Stillness of Chimes - and Yesterday's Tomorrow is somewhere on my Kindle. Oh, for more time!

  2. Fantastic list, Carole! I need to check out those books from your Revolution category as this is one of my favorite settings too. For 1800s Appalachia, have you read Sandra Robbins' Smoky Mountain Dreams Trilogy? It's one of my faves! My TTT

    1. Carrie, I'll write you more about Revolutionary War books soon. And yes, I've read and enjoyed Sandra Robbins' series.
