Friday, February 15, 2013

Thoughts on "Love's Finest Moments"

By Bob Russell
Bob Russell, retired Senior Minister of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, posted a thought on "love's finest moments" each day on his Facebook page in the week leading up to Valentine's Day.  These are just too good not to share.
·         When you don’t feel like being patient, thoughtful, generous, and kind, yet do it anyway.
·         When you forgive a hurtful offense because the future relationship matters more than your present pain.
·         When you overlook the 2% that irritates you because you so appreciate the 98% that inspires you.
·         When you give sacrificially of self without expecting favored treatment or any reciprocation.
·         When, after decades of familiarity, you still treat the other with respect, tenderness & admiration.
·         When you sacrifice time, money & energy for another’s good, knowing they will probably never discover it.
·         When you set aside an immediate interest and listen patiently, even though it doesn’t seem to really matter
·         When you're so comfortable together that you can sit in silence without feeling awkward or bored. You are just content.
*Image courtesy of digitalart at

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