Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Author Spotlight + US/CAN GIVEAWAY: Jodie Bailey

I am delighted to welcome Jodie Bailey to The Power of Words this week! I love discovering a new author that I enjoy - and while Jodie technically isn't "new," because she has published stories in the Love Inspired Suspense line, she's new to me.

Jodie's latest book, Quilted by Christmas, is one of my favorite stories in Abingdon's Quilts of Love Series. I loved everything about this character-driven story that pulls at the heartstrings and believe everyone who reads it will be blessed. Please see my review here.

Jodie is graciously sharing a copy with one of our readers, details at the end of this post. Now enjoy getting to know a little about Jodie and her writing . . .

Q:  Please share a little about Jodie Bailey - both personally and as a writer.

That question opens you up to a long answer!  I’m a Carolina girl, a sweet-tea-drinking Southerner who has lived all over the country, courtesy to my now-retired Army husband.  I love to read, fish at the beach, and simply sit in the backyard with Jesus.  As a writer, I’m all about stories of deliverance and redemption, of grace and freedom.  That’s my story, and I want others to experience Jesus as that amazing freedom and love!

Q:  What is one of your favorite family Christmas traditions, past or present?

Every Christmas Eve, my family gets together for oyster stew and tons of appetizers.  (The appetizers were my idea because, as much as I love the ocean, I’m not a seafood girl.)  There’s so much laughter and warmth and love.  All we do is eat and hang out together, but it’s my favorite evening of the whole year.

Q:  Tell us about the book we're featuring today, Quilted by Christmas.

Quilted by Christmas deals with family, forgiveness and unconditional love.  Taryn McKenna has been hiding from the man she once loved, the man she’s keeping a huge secret from.  When he comes back into her life and starts working on an heirloom quilt with her, it becomes harder for her to deny she still loves him and to hide the past from him.  It doesn’t help that her grandmother is all up in their business, either.

Q:  Are you a quilter, Jodie?

Sadly, no.  But my grandmothers both quilted.

Q:  I would suspect that many readers can relate to having a feisty grandmother like Jemma, who was such a key part of the story and who I loved. Are certain aspects of this story inspired by personal experience or people in your life?

My grandmother died the year before I started writing the book.  It was never my intention for Jemma to have such a huge role, but as she showed up, she started to sound more and more like my grandmother.  Her “feisty” side is my grandmother all over again, and I think I grieved her, spent one last period of time with her, as I wrote.  Jemma’s softer side is a reflection of my other grandmother, who is still living.  Both of those women, who had such an impact on my life, showed up.  There are a few family stories that crop up too, such as the dents in the ceiling at Jemma’s house, the story of the fall from the attic, and the snake in the sleeping bag.  It was fun to work them in.

Q:  I think this quote from the book can minister to a lot of people:  "Real love is freely given, not taken away because you trip and fall." What spiritual insights do you hope readers will take away from their reading experience?

I think unconditional love is something we all struggle with.  In a world where love has been cheapened by the media in a lot of ways, where divorce is easy and it seems like everything is disposable, unconditional love is almost a foreign concept.  Love is a choice every day, and when it’s real, it’s not a conditional emotion.  “I’ll love you until you don’t do what I want.”  It’s “I’ll love you no matter what.”  God loves us like that, and I think his ideal is for us to love like He does.  It’s tough to do that as humans though!

Q:  What stories can readers expect from you in the days ahead?

I’m working on a suspense series about a military unit that deals with cyberterrorism.  Book one has been turned in, and I’m currently about 1/3 of the way through book two.  I’m also preparing to release two novels set in NASCAR early next year.  I’m very excited about those!  They are two of my favorite books I’ve ever written.  The grace theme is central in both of those.

Q:  How can we support and/or pray for you, Jodie?

Pray that the words come and that they are the words God wants them to be.  Some days, it is hard to sit still at the computer.  As a former teacher, I miss my students and the laughter and craziness they could put into a day, but I definitely don’t miss the hours of work!  It’s a tough transition for a people person like me to go from kids all day to just me, the two dogs, and a screen.  J

Thank you so much!  This was fun!



To enter the drawing for Quilted by Christmas, simply answer the following question that I asked Jodie:

What is one of your favorite family Christmas traditions,
past or present?

E-mail addresses are required for the drawing and be sure to leave them in a safe format - [at] and [dot]. If you're willing, it's also helpful to share about this giveaway on Facebook and/or Twitter.

"Likes" on my Facebook page, ThePowerofWordsBookReviews, are greatly appreciated, as are followers on Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, and this blog.

  • E-mail required, one entry per person. Odds of winning are based on number of entries.
  • Contest ends at midnight PST on Wednesday, December 17.
  • Winner will be chosen by Random.org and contacted by e-mail. Respond within 48 hours of notification or another winner will be chosen.
  • Eligibility: US or Canadian residents, 18 and older


  1. One of my favorite family traditions is getting up on Christmas and going to see what Santa left of my three grands. To see their eyes light up and big smiles spread all over their faces......priceless!!!!!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Oh Melanie, I treasure those same memories of my children on Christmas morning! I haven't been blessed with grandchildren yet, but maybe one day if God wills. May you and your loved ones have a blessed Christmas, Melanie.

  2. One of my favorite Christmas traditions is decorating the tree and the putting up of the nativities.

    1. Those two things are my favorites also, Mippy. Last year my daughter who lives in Germany was home and we decorated together, but this year she won't be here. The handmade German ornament she gave me is displayed prominently, though!

  3. We love making ornaments together while we watch Christmas mmovies

    1. That sounds like fun, Rana! My mom and I used to make ornaments when I was growing up, but I never felt I was very good at it. Thanks for coming by - and be sure to leave your e-mail address.

  4. Getting together with family! This year our three girls are off work at the same time and we are traveling from three states to meet in a fourth where our oldest daughter's children and grands live. Airport pick-up and delivery in the wee hours is on the schedule. Will be fun to watch the cousins together ~ we have offers of swimming, public skating at the narrow window of time open at the indoor ice rink, or bowling. Being together is our present to each other! So looking forward to be making memories! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net

    1. Kathleen, I'm so happy that you will all be together this Christmas . . . What memories you will have to treasure! My daughter leads a campus ministry in Germany and can't come home every year because of the expense, and this is their year to stay there. Very thankful for Skype, though!

  5. One tradition I've always enjoyed at Christmas is when my three, grown daughters and I go out for lunch--on a day following Christmas. Sadly, this year as last, my eldest daughter won't be able to make it home for Christmas, but the tradition carries on with the ones who can go. Now, we have added in a couple of the granddaughters, so we still have a festive time.
    may_dayzee (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

    1. Kay, my daughter is a missionary in Germany and can't afford to come home every Christmas, so I share in the missing of a beloved daughter during this season. But you will certainly enjoy your other two daughters, and those granddaughters are an added bonus! And I'm thankful for Skype, for it keeps my Beth close.

  6. My favorite CHRISTmas past time tradition was when Santa came to visit at our home on Christmas Eve. He came to our home until I was about 6 or 7 years old and then he stopped coming around after that because I figured out he wasn't really Santa. He smelled like pipe tobacco and his glasses looked familiar. When he left that last time, I yelled "Good night, Uncle Harold Santa". He also played Santa at the Moose Club and at his church in town every year.

    1. I love that tradition, Karen! I believe my brother-in-law is a lot like your Uncle Harold because he loves to play Santa for all his grandchildren and even children at church - and they love it. If they've figured out who he is, they're certainly not telling!

  7. Thank you for sharing this lovely interview, Carole. I love everything about the Christmas season, but my very favorite thing is experiencing the joy of Christmas morning with my family. My parents and maternal grandparents live just down the road, so they come over on Christmas morning to see what Santa has brought our children. We all delight in this special time together!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. Britney, there's just nothing that can compare with the fun of Christmas mornings when the children are young, and you are so blessed to have both your parents and grandparents close by. May you and your loved ones have a blessed Christmas, Britney!.

  8. Sharon, it's always so much fun to bake and share with friends! Your mother-in-law's "secret" chocolate pie sounds delicious. I don't usually crave chocolate, but I do love chocolate pie. Thanks for coming by today.

  9. One of our favorite Christmas traditions was to draw names and buy a gift for under $10. It could be store bought or handmade. Precious Memories.
    Janet E.

    1. Janet, I've often been surprised at what can be done with $10 or less, especially when it comes to handmade gifts. Those are some of the most meaningful gifts I've ever received. Thank you for sharing with us today.

  10. Going to Christmas Eve services and spending time together afterwards

    1. Jackie, I'd have to say that our Christmas Eve service is one of my favorite parts of Christmas also. We have two services and I play the piano for both. Such sweet services and the perfect way to celebrate our Savior's birth!

      I got your e-mail off the other post and then deleted it. Thanks for coming by, Jackie.

  11. We always read the Christmas story out of the Bible before we open gifts. Now that my Dad has passed away, the grandchildren read it. Christmas just wouldn't be the same without this tradition.

    1. That's a beautiful and important tradition, one that we always do also. thank you for sharing!

  12. We love to sing Christmas carols because it's the mosttttt wonderful tiiiiiime of the year!

    1. Maryssa, I love Christmas carols and all the other music too. I won't let myself start playing it until after Thanksgiving, but then I'm so busy that I don't get to listen as much as I'd like. Thank you for coming by.

  13. We have a family dinner on Christmas Eve and then all go to church services.

    1. There's just something touching and special about Christmas Eve services, especially when they involve candlelight at the end. Thanks for sharing, Mary Ellen.

  14. Fav family trad is that each person is honoured in opening their gift while the family shares the moment with them - no big rush with everyone tearing open their own and missing out on the joy of the other.. <3
    faithhopecherrytea [at gmail.]com
    thanks for the fun and intro to Jodie! HapPy to meet you :)

    1. Now that's a great tradition, Faith! I love the individual focus and enjoyment. So glad you visited today.

  15. There were 5 children in my dad's family. We travelled to his mom's house as long as she was alive and spent Christmas with all the family. The day after Christmas, the women went shopping, the older grandchildren [me] watched the younger grandchildren while the men barbequed. [Georgia]

    1. Your family tradition sounds wonderful, Pat! I don't go out shopping after Christmas any more, but the barbecue sounds great. I live in Georgia also and our weather at that time is often pretty nice. Thanks for visiting.

  16. My mom's fruitcake, not christmas without it.

    1. Loretta, I'm not much of a fruitcake fan, but my grandmother used to make one that I loved when I was growing up. Sure do miss it, and her also. So glad you stopped by.

  17. My favorite family Christmas tradition is before we open Christmas presents, we gather together and usually it's my brother will read The Christmas Story from our Mom's first Bible. Enjoyed your interview. Thank you for the opportunity of this giveaway.

    Barbara Thompson

    1. Thank you for sharing, Barbara. Family Bibles are important and I love that your family read from your mom's Bible.

  18. A Christmas tradition in my youth was spending Christmas Eve with my godmother's large family, sharing fun, food, and delightful entertainment. Plus Santa always came for an early visit. This precious woman just recently passed away at age 92 and so I am thinking of her today as I write this. We were a family being raised by my mother as our father died when we were 12, 10, and 7. So sharing Christmas with a large fun family was just what we needed.
    ~ linda

    lindalou at being woven dot org

    1. What a lovely and meaningful family tradition, Linda! I can tell that your godmother meant a lot to you and am glad that her years with you were many. Thank you so much for sharing, and may you and your loved ones have a blessed Christmas.

  19. We enjoy getting out Christmas Eve to see all the lights & displays, then home for hot chocolate & snacks.. dkstevensne AT outlook (dot) CoM

    1. When I was growing up, we loved riding around and looking at all the lights, but there doesn't seem to be as many now, at least in our area. Still a wonderful tradition. Makes me think of how Jesus is the Light of the World. Thank you for sharing, Deanna.

  20. We go to our church's Christmas Eve candlelight service and then drive around and look at christmas lights on our way home
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. There's nothing quite like a candlelight Christmas Eve service, is there, Merry? So meaningful as we celebrate Jesus, our Light. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, Merry.

  21. My favorite thing now is getting all of the family together at one of the kids homes each year. Then I have all day to enjoy my kids, grands, and greats. otherwise don't get to see them often. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

    1. Everyone being able to get together really makes Christmas special for you, doesn't it, Maxie? My daughter will spend Christmas in Germany with her campus ministry team, but I am very thankful for Skype. May you and your loved ones have a blessed Christmas, Maxie.

  22. A wonderful tradition is the Christmas Story.......and knowing Jesus is the reason for the season
    Please have a terrific, God-blessed Christmas
    Chris Granville

    1. You're so right, Chris! Our focus should only be on our Savior's birth. And I'm thankful for all the love that radiates out from God's love. May your joyful celebration be blessed also, Chris.

  23. I love getting together with my parents and several aunts, uncles and cousins on Christmas Day. It is a few hours away, and I always have to work on Christmas Eve, but the Christmas Day celebration is worth the drive!


    1. Connie, I know you're going to have a wonderful family celebration this year! Beth & Daniel can't afford to fly home every year, so this is the Christmas they will stay with the ministry team in Germany - but I'm very thankful for Skype. So glad to see you here, Connie. I pray that you and your loved ones have a wonderful time together.

  24. The kids and I make a gingerbread house. Always lots of fun!
    Kelly Y
    kelly at dkcountryarts dot com

  25. ~ so many traditions in our house! We recently started a new one. Last Year I made new stocking for my husband, myself and my five girls. We each purchase two thing for each persons stocking and when we unwrap we guess who got what for whom :)
    I also place an ornament that was my Grandmothers every year near the top of my tree. michellecorning(at)live(dot)com

  26. My favorite tradition is that our family has always opened our family gifts on Christmas Eve. We have a favorite open faced sandwich that we always have for dinner and then gather around the tree and read the Christmas story from Luke and then sing a some Christmas carol or two and open the gifts. It's a special time before things get so busy on Christmas Day. I have already read Quilted by Christmas and I loved it. I had read it on e-book and but then won a print copy through another blog and love having the print copy. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  27. I give a Christmas ornament to my daughters and now grandchildren every year. Sometimes I buy them and sometimes I make them. I am a former teacher also and former NC girl. Our family ate oyster stew for Christmas breakfast with cinnamon rolls for the children or those allergic to shellfish. Rhonda nashhall@aol.com

  28. Wonderful interview! My favorite tradition I believe is one that our family has had since before I was born (I'm almost 60). Every Christmas Eve whatever family is in town, because were scattered all over, gathers at the parents' home. There, we have special treats such as special cheeses, desserts or sweets, or whatever special delights we want to make somewhat of a meal. We usually watch a special movie ( such as Its a Wonderful Life), then we all get to open one gift - and NOT the largest!

    Kvanrooyen57 (at) gmail (dot) com

  29. Each year, my family and I sing Christmas karaoke songs :)
    It's always fun and we spend time together.

  30. :O I forgot my email address sorry...

    sbissonnettes_23 at videtoron dot ca

  31. I loved Christmas as a child. On Christmas Eve my father would take me and my brothers to a farm in the country and we would go on a horse drawn sleigh ride. It was so wonderful being wrapped up in a blanket to keep warm and enjoying the ride. It was even more wonderful when it was snowing. Back then, you didn't have to worry about busy roads as you do now.

  32. One of my favorite traditions is playing games instead of the normal gift exchange. We each bring 3 $1 gifts (normally favorite snack foods). We play goofy games until everyone has won a gift. It's always loads of fun and so much cheaper. ;)

  33. Every year since my children received them as gifts from Aunty Kal, we put up these cute teddy bears stockings...... some years, even when we didn't have a tree, the stockings still had to be up.....even more so now that my children are older (teens/ adults) and Aunty Kal is with Jesus.

  34. A Christmas tradition we have on Christmas Day is to make homemade stromboli for lunch. Also, when I was young my father would read Luke 2 before we opened any gifts and we still do this with my family.

  35. A Christmas tradition I enjoy every year with my children is visiting my in-laws at the nursing home. While there I always ask who else is permitted to have guests. It's wonderful to visit someone who may have no company around Christmas time and to ease their loneliness. They enjoy taling about Christmases past and I am happy to visit with them. Cnnamongirl(at)aol(dot)com

  36. I haven't done this in a while, but I used to have a yearly gingerbread house-making party. Good Housekeeping magazine usually had a new pattern each year plus I found some books with helpful ideas. It would be a day of baking, making royal icing, and sharing candies for decorations. What fun!

  37. Growing up, our whole family got together for the holidays. We went to an aunts house for Thanksgiving (and Christmas Eve for snacks and gifts), my house for a huge dinner on Christmas Day, and my cousins house on New Years Day. So much fun.

  38. So sorry, forgot my email address. choirlady27@hotmail.com

  39. One of my favorite Christmas traditions is reading to our family on Christmas Eve. Our Christmas Eve reading list includes: The birth of Christ from the Bible, "Twas the Night Before Christmas", "The Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree", "How Murray Saved Christmas" and "Hannah and Rebekah Meet Santa Claus". Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. Oops. forgot my email address: momrain (at) aol (dot) com

  41. My favorite tradition, time of the year is Christmas Eve. We get together for food, then the kids each open a present from Santa which is always a new pair of pj's.

  42. Favorite tradition is Christmas Eve. We get together for food, then the kids each get to open a present from Santa which is pj's . sweeps4us at gmail dot com

  43. To spend Christmas with my family.
    rita dot navarre at yahoo dot com

  44. When I was a child, we would dress up like reindeer and visit the veterans in the VA hospital. We would sing them carols and give them a present we made. It taught us to think of others first and to be thankful for our situation.

  45. This looks like a fun book, and Jodie sounds like an author I need to look into! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday!

  46. My favorite tradition was gathering at my parents' house. Since they have been gone, we are lacking in the tradition department. I now have grandchildren, and we are trying to make some new memories. lisajcowell(at)cs(dot)com
