Title: Prelude, Cadence
Author: B. J. Hoff
Series: American Anthem, #s 1 & 2
Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical
Year Published: 2003
Source: My Kindle
Rating (1-10): 10
B.J. Hoff, one of CBA's premier writers brings this riveting historical fiction series that meticulously depicts nineteenth century America. Prelude transports you to nineteenth-century New York and invites you to step into another time--a time that shaped a nation and defined her faith. This lively story carries you from immigrant ships to opulent estates, from skating-rink evangelistic crusades to star-studded concert halls, and introducing you to men and women you'll grow to love: a brooding blind musician, his suspicious but sympathetic sister-in-law, an unlikely pair of medical partners, and a struggling immigrant family. Pulsing with romance and intrigue, shining with artistry and faith, Prelude sounds the opening notes of a tale with a voice as big as America.
Cadence reunites us with Andrew Carmichael, an inner city physician, and his partner in practice, Bethany Cole, one of the first female physicians in America, who share a desire to serve the poor with their healing skills and with love. As the story continues, they discover that they share more than a professional passion--they share a love for each other. Set in late nineteenth century New York City and the surrounding Hudson River Valley, and incorporating the beginnings of American gospel music, Cadence continues the saga of the courageous immigrants who helped build our nation, the struggles they endured, and the music they created, lived and loved by.
My Comments:
This is a delightful historical with strong themes of romance, but so much more. A blind musical conductor, Hudson River Valley setting, Irish immigrants, Dwight L. Moody crusades, hymn writer Fanny Crosby, tender romance - all these elements and more combine to make a very enjoyable and moving read for me. As a pianist, I am obviously drawn to the prominent musical themes, which are portrayed in an excellent mannor. I look forward to the conclusion of this series, Jubilee.